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PySubstrate Metadata docs

Documentation of Substrate metadata for well known runtimes and how to use it with py-substrate-interface.

Overview of available runtimes

How to read the type information

Core types

Type Description Type information example
u8, u16, u32, etc Unsigned 8/16/32/etc bit integer 1
bool Boolean True
[u8; 32] Fixed sized array with in this case 32 u8 elements. Can also be written as hex-string 0xe1781813275653a970b4260298b3858b36d38e072256dad674f7c786a0cae236
Bytes Arbitrary length str. Internally same as a Vec<u8> 'test'
AccountId SS58 encoded account '5GrwvaEF5zXb26Fz9rcQpDWS57CtERHpNehXCPcNoHGKutQY'
Call Substrate RuntimeCall to place into an extrinsic or nest in another call Result of substrate.compose_call()
Enum Enumeration of possible variants, represented as a dict with CamelCase variants {'Id': 'AccountId','Index': 'u32'}
Option Special enumeration provided 'None' and 'Some' variants represented as a tuple (None, 'u32')
Struct Data structure, represented as a dict with snake_case properties {'account': 'AccountId', 'fee': 'u128', 'fields': 'u64'}
Vec Variable size array containing a certain type, for example a u32 ['u32']

Example 1: Storage function parameters

call = substrate.query(
    'RmrkCore', 'Properties', ['u32', (None, 'u32'), 'Bytes']

This should be interpreted as follows:

  • The first parameter is of type u32, which is a 32-bit integer

  • The second parameter is a tuple, which represents all possible variants of the Enum in RUST (more specific an Option in this case). Only one variant must be selected, so (None, 'u32') means either None or a u32

  • The third parameter Bytes is an arbitrary str, bytes or hex-string

So an example would be:

result = substrate.query(
    'RmrkCore', 'Properties', [10324, 31, '0x068500be5822de000000000000000000']


result = substrate.query(
    'RmrkCore', 'Properties', [10324, None, '0x068500be5822de000000000000000000']

Example 2: Storage function return value

call = substrate.query(
    'Identity', 'Registrars', []

The return function is defined as:

[(None, {'account': 'AccountId', 'fee': 'u128', 'fields': 'u64'})]

Which should be interpreted as:

  1. The return value is a Python list containing elements of definition (None, {'account': 'AccountId', 'fee': 'u128', 'fields': 'u64'})
  2. Each of these elements are in RUST of type Enum (like the example above an Option) and again only one value must be selected of tuple so either (a) None or (b) {'account': 'AccountId', 'fee': 'u128', 'fields': 'u64'}
  3. In case of (b) it is a dict (in RUST a struct) containing an "account" (type AccountID), "fee" (128-bit int) and "fields" (64-bit int)

Example output of this storage function:

[{'account': '15wHrzgaZA1gt8GyAFqWLG8Pt5RJBm5sYEGmppKDafqiaDUD', 'fee': 121321321, 'fields': 1231}, None, {'account': '1297caNVrdbg9tQew1kJSHJuMQr93Z4vcD1offK6AzgV4KSE', 'fee': 0, 'fields': 0}]

Example 3: Call parameters

call = substrate.compose_call(
    'Treasury', 'spend', {
        'amount': 'u128',
        'beneficiary': {
            'Address20': '[u8; 20]',
            'Address32': '[u8; 32]',
            'Id': 'AccountId',
            'Index': 'u32',
            'Raw': 'Bytes',

This call requires two parameters, "amount" which is a 128-bit int and "beneficiary" which expects an Enum.

Like the struct data-type in Example 2 this is shown as a dict in Python, but the difference is that now all possible variants are shown, and only one of those variants must be provided. The difference between an Enum and a Struct dict is that Enum variants are in CamelCase, as Struct parameters are in snake_case.

So examples of valid input for beneficiary are:

{'Id': '15wHrzgaZA1gt8GyAFqWLG8Pt5RJBm5sYEGmppKDafqiaDUD'}

{'Address20': '0x0CAC409596b076487517263441282DBa6B7dc137'}

{'Index': 54}

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